Neck shoulder, arm, or neck are usually referred to as different conditions by patients: bursitis; neuritis, neuralgia, rheumatism the frozen shoulder, fibrositis injured, strained or sore muscles, and "poor circulation."

Some people put shoulders issues because of "old years" even though the different shoulder does not have any issues is also the same age. So, if you want to know more about neck shoulder arm wrist pain then

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Your brain "talks" to the body using an extensive telecommunications system that is comprised of nerves. The nerves originate from your brain as a huge bundle known as the spinal cord. They go down your back to the spine.

The nerves coming that originate from your brain traverse the spine, they need to traverse through the gaps between your vertebrae. Certain nerves travel straight to their final destination, while others join with other nerves to create intricate nerve networks, which anatomists refer to as the nerve plexus.

The brachial nerve is made of nerves that originate from the middle and upper back and lower neck. Once they join for the formation of the brachial complex and branch out to supply various parts of the body including the arm, shoulder wrists, elbows fingers, and hands.

The most commonly seen type of damage to the brachial plexus occurs to nerves that comprise the brachial nerve as they leave the spinal column via the foramina. 

In the foramina, nerves are enclosed by a bone ring and meninges If the ring gets smaller and the nerves are affected, they can be compressed, and "pinched."

A variety of factors: long-standing spine strain; previous injuries such as childhood falls and new injuries like car accidents or sports injuries or arthritis; being pulled, twisted or shaken, or sleeping in a position that is uncomfortable in addition to various other stresses and strains of everyday life.