People often face many issues and one of them is thyroid. This disease can be treated with a proper medication under physician’s guidance. If you are facing this issue and need a proper medical consulting, you must contact and schedule your appointments. They are the best family physicians with quality family health clinic in Texas.

Many of those who has this issue look for the solution, but first thing they need to focus on is the cause of it. It is the primary solution to start with the right treatment. Here is the cause of thyroid. As you know thyroid is of two types and each one is caused due to a different reason.

Causes of Thyroid:

Hypothyroidism can be caused due to simple removal of the thyroid gland, illness inherited at the time of birth or Excess radiation exposure  or inflammation of

Hyperthyroidism on the other side can be caused due to Inflammation of glands, consumption of iodine or due to deficiency of vitamin B12.

These are the top causes of Thyroid. Once you identify due to which reason you are affected with this disease you can start taking the right medical advice. With the quality medical assistance and self care you can recover yourself better and stop this disease from harming / impacting you to the core.