Product liability insurance is a type of cover that protects you against damages paid if your product is responsible for injury to people or damage to property. Some insurers do not offer this as a standalone product, but it will often be available as part of a business insurance package. 

This insurance may be useful if you produce, repair or supply any sort of 'product' as you may be considered liable if the product is regarded as 'not fit for purpose'. It doesn't matter what size your business is, as the cover level can be adjusted accordingly. If you are looking for Product Liability Insurance, then you can opt for the Amazon Insurance Australia – Online Sellers Insurance.

· Details of the cover

Product liability insurance policy against damage to make sure you paid for the product has been supplied, manufactured or serviced cause property damage or personal injury. In a personal injury case, you will be covered if the NHS to try to recover the cost of hospital treatment and ambulance costs.

· Claims Qualification

In order to claim on the policy, you should be able to demonstrate that the product is defective when they were given to you, and that consumers are given the proper safety instructions that included a warning about abuse of the product.

The sale contract that you provide to your customers should be included requirements for return of defective goods, and you supply contracts must include details of product safety, quality control and product returns.