Sea salts and rock salt are two of the most commonly used natural and organic substances in the world. Many people are unaware that these substances are not just useful for their functions, but they are also great for our skin. Many sea salts have healing properties that can be beneficial for various conditions. They also help in improving skin tone and thus are highly popular with the cosmetic industry.

Himalayan sea salt is a naturally mined salt from the foothills of the Himalayan Mountains. The salt, which tends to have a yellowish to brownish tint due to a number of naturally occurring minerals, is mainly utilized as a food supplement for replacement of refined table salt, but also is used for decorative lamps, cooking and other home applications. The use of this salt in soap and household products brings about the natural cleansing qualities of the salt. It is able to absorb odours and destroy microorganisms present on fabrics. It also has trace minerals such as potassium and magnesium, which help in balancing blood pressure.

Unlike regular table salt, Himalayan salt contains large amounts of trace minerals that are very important for maintaining good health. One of these minerals, calcium, is important for strong bones and teeth. Calcium aids in building strong bones and teeth and prevents osteoporosis. Trace minerals found in the salt include iron, zinc, manganese, copper, sodium chloride, sodium bicarbonate and magnesium chloride.

Other minerals that may be present in the salts include zinc which helps in maintaining healthy hair and skin and helps in promoting a healthy digestive system. Iron and sodium chloride are also present in the same crystal form and these minerals work together to stimulate blood circulation and thus promote healthy nerves and muscles. The presence of potassium is essential for transmitting nerve signals and regulating the body's fluid levels.

There are two main types of salts available, the first one being kosher salt and the second being red or table salt. Kosher salt contains no chemical substances and hence is used for purposes of baking, cooking and preparing foodstuffs. Table salt on the other hand contains sodium and other metallic elements and should be avoided in the preparation of food, for it can cause serious health hazards. The main benefits of using kosher salts are that it helps in maintaining proper nutrition and eating healthier meals due to the presence of trace minerals.

Sea salt and table salts both have sodium content and both provide nourishment to the body. Sea salt contains large amounts of sodium and is better suited for providing electrolytes and minerals to the body. Table salt on the other hand is not as rich in sodium and its content is usually reduced by the process of dehydration. It is however advisable to choose sea salt over table salt for consumption as it contains much more minerals.

Salt is one of the most important components and there are many varieties available. The content of ions in the salt depends upon the chemical properties of which it is made and the type of mineral that it is. Some salts however do share similar properties with other kinds of minerals like sodium chloride and magnesium chloride. These salts are known as Himalayan salts and include such salts as haematite, spinel, granite and others.

In ancient times, doctors discovered that by ingesting sea salts, the blood pressure of a person would lower naturally. These discoveries were used in curing numerous illnesses including heart problems and high blood pressure. Today, many people suffer from these ailments and resort to the natural cures like herbals and home remedies that include intake of this salt in small measures. If you suffer from any of these ailments, then it would be a great idea to consider sea salt as one of your dietary options.