Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is a field of study that employs data structures to tackle issues that concern fluid flow, like densities, speed, and the chemical compositions that compose the fluid.

It is utilized in various fields, like stopping cavitation, mechanics of design and building of aircraft structures, and designing HVAC production electronic components, as well as many other fields. You can also navigate to know more about CFD simulation.

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Below is a list of the most common CFD simulation applications:

1. CFD Simulation for Preventing Cavitation

Cavitation is the formation of vapor bubbles within a liquid and occurs when an object moves through the liquid. Cavitation can cause damage to propellers, nozzles, turbines, spillways, and valves. Cavitation is a critical fluid dynamics problem that impacts a wide swath of engineering domains.

Cavitation simulation through CFD, however, can help engineers set tiny thresholds that would be difficult to measure in the physical world. 

2. Simulating Rotating Machinery using CFD

Rotating machinery such as compressors, steam pumps, gas turbines, and turbo-expanders have one thing in common: the cyclic load acting on the structure. 

Labyrinth seals are used in various rotating types of machinery to reduce leakage flow. The gas passing through the seals often creates a driving force that leads to unstable rotor vibration. 

Once again, rather than investing in constant prototyping and physical stress testing, CFD simulation can be used to test a variety of design variables to find the most ideal construction of rotating machinery.