Choose Kids Dentist in Kapolei

Most young children will stop this habit on their own or due to peer pressure. It usually has a very little bad effect, but there are some potential problems.

The upper front teeth may be pushed out, resulting in buck teeth. An open bite may develop so there is a gap between the upper and lower teeth. The child may start breathing through his mouth and it is possible that the upper jaw may become distorted. Calluses may appear on his thumbs or fingers or he may develop cracked fingers.

Most dental problems will correct themselves once the habit stops. Gentle ways to stop your child sucking is to simply remind him not to put his thumb in his mouth. You can also get kids dentist care services in Kapolei.

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A band-aid can be placed around the thumbs at the time of the day that the child is likely to suck. If they suck in bed, your child can wear an oversize pajama top with the sleeves sewn up.

For children who simply cannot stop the habit, you may need to see an orthodontist and get a special appliance fitted on the jaw to block the comfortable position of the thumb in the mouth.

Careful attention to your child's teeth will result in a healthy, happy child with a beautiful smile. As soon as he can manage it, encourage your child to take responsibility for his own oral health and you will be rewarded with your concern over dental care for children by seeing your child confident and trouble-free.

Baby teeth are softer than adult teeth and hence will decay more easily. Having milk or a sugary fluid at night will result in the teeth becoming coated in the sugary substance which will cause decay and will also result in reducing the flow of saliva at night which in turn further increases the risk of decay.