Choosing a Water Birth in Macedonia For the Arrival of Your Baby

Have you ever experienced a water birth? This gentle and natural method of delivering your baby is gaining popularity, but a lot of misconceptions and myths surround it. You can also discover the best clinic for a water birth in Macedonia via

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There is nothing more discouraging when you have your heart set on a particular method of natural childbirth, but all the feedback you get is negative. Nowhere is this more true than when it comes to water births.

Others are concerned that the baby may drown after exiting the birth canal. This is hardly possible as babies get their oxygen from the mother’s umbilical cord. Until the cord is cut, the baby continues to “breath” without any problem. After all, the baby did not drown in the watery confines of the uterus.

There are definite advantages of a water birth if you’re a “mom in waiting”. Warm water assists in pain relief so the need for taking pain killers is reduced and you’ll find it a lot easier to move and change positions in the water. This will enable you to better handle contractions which will ease the birth process.

We hope this information will help you be aware of the healthy advantages of having a water birth and that you will find the experience a rewarding one, both for yourself and your baby