Endometriosis is a common condition suffered by the growth in the number of women in their reproductive years. Though commonly found in older women in their 30s and 40s, endometriosis can affect women as young as their teens and 20s.

In North America alone, there are more than 5 million women suffer from painful and debilitating condition that is. Because it is a chronic condition, she needs a good tackle tips for endometriosis, so they can handle the symptoms are month to month. You can also browse online to know about effective techniques to help coping with endometriosis.

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Endometriosis can be without symptoms for some women, who go through life without suffering from the symptoms associated with it. Unfortunately, there are more women who bear the burden of having symptoms sometimes very painful that bothers them every month.

Some of the most common symptoms include chronic pain or irregular in the pelvic region, painful menstrual periods, bowel movements are painful, irregular bleeding or weight, fatigue, lower back pain, bloating, constipation and diarrhea. Some women even experience pain during ovulation.

If the pain is the leading cause inconvenience for you, painkillers can be a solution. Pain relievers are often prescribed to help minimize or stop the stomach cramps. Drugs containing ibuprofen, acetaminophen, aspirin and naproxen were effective in treating endometrial tissue swelling which causes pain.

If taking painkillers is out of the question, the application of heat to the abdominal area and lower back can help relieve cramps. You can use a heating pad for this purpose, or try to warm castor oil packs to 30-60 per day.