Online therapy is also known as distance therapy, cybertherapy, e-therapy, or Internet therapy. It describes the many ways that a professional counselor can communicate with you via the internet or phone. This could include emotional support, mental advice, or similar professional services to clients in face-to-face therapy. You can ask one question or have an ongoing conversation. It could be e-mail or chat. You can also take advantage of Spanish therapy via

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Online therapy can be just as effective as face-to-face psychotherapy. Some people will not benefit from online therapy. There is increasing evidence that it works for some people. Gavin Andrews, an Australian researcher, published a study in the Australian Journal of Psychiatry which showed that Internet-based treatments are just as effective as traditional methods for treating depression.

It is also important to note that therapy is needed by many more people than the ones who have it. Many people feel that stigma around seeking treatment for mental illness still hinders their ability to seek it. Trust issues or difficulties making it possible to meet with someone face-to-face while sharing personal information can also make it difficult.

Online therapy can be safer and a better option for people who are overwhelmed by the idea of seeking help. Many survivors of abuse report feeling too scared to visit a therapist in person at least during the beginning stages of their healing. They may find it easier to get therapy online, in the comfort of their own homes.

Online Therapy is a possibility. It is important to weigh the benefits and the areas that are of concern when considering this option. These are just a few examples of the many benefits and concerns that can be associated with online therapy.

Why might online therapy be a good option for you?

  • An anxiety disorder, agoraphobia, or other issue makes it difficult for you to attend traditional therapy.

  • Living in rural areas

  • It can be difficult to find therapists who have the right expertise in your area. For example, it might not be easy to find LGBT affirming therapists.