Motherhood is one of the most beautiful stages in a woman's life. While this stage is nothing less than a physical and emotional journey through an amusement park, the well-being of her baby after birth is ultimately important to every mother. 

And one of the most important things to plan for during pregnancy is the maternity hospital. There are several things to consider when returning home. Here are some points to keep in mind while choosing the maternity hospital and Gynaecologist in Nairobi.

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Qualifications of obstetrician-gynecologist and staff

This can be assessed in the first few sessions. The obstetrician must have time and patience, and be able to answer questions clearly and patiently. The mother must feel comfortable and trust the doctor who treats her. 

Transparency: Make sure the doctor at the maternity hospital is open to all aspects related to pregnancy. She should be able to talk to the mother at all stages of the pregnancy and clarify any doubts that may arise. 

24-Hour Availability: Delivery personnel must be available 24 hours a day. This is because pregnancy is a condition that may require an unexpected visit to the clinic.

This can even be at odd hours. Find out about the timing of delivery before the doctor is in charge of the delivery and choose a maternity ward where staff can be contacted at any time.

While these are just a few considerations, what ultimately helps are your own instincts and how you adjust to the doctor. The health of the mother and child is very important during and after pregnancy and should be the main criterion for selecting the best maternity hospital.