An in-home energy display system can be an extremely valuable tool for saving money on your energy bill. By keeping track of your energy usage, you can identify areas where you are using more than your average and make necessary changes to save energy. 

There is a variety of different free in-home energy monitor systems available, so it is important to choose one that is right for your needs. Some systems require the installation of a special sensor in your home, while others use sensors that you can buy and install yourself. 

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Regardless of the type of system you choose, it is important to take some time to learn how to use it properly. The most successful users keep a log of their energy usage and make ongoing adjustments based on that data.

There are a few ways to get free energy display systems. The first way is to contact your local utility company and ask if they are willing to donate an old energy meter. They may be willing to give you one for free or at a discounted price. 

The second way to get free energy display systems is to contact manufacturers of these systems and request that they donate them. Many manufacturers have donated systems in the past, so there is a good chance that you can find one that is eligible for donation. 

The final way to get free energy display systems is to find abandoned or surplus units that have been retired by their original owners. These units may be available for free or at a discounted price.