Energy efficiency is becoming an increasingly important consideration for homeowners and builders alike. Cavity closers play a crucial role in creating a thermal barrier, preventing heat loss and air leakage, and ultimately contributing to a more energy-efficient home.

What are Cavity Closers?

Cavity closers are insulation materials or products that are used to fill the gaps between the inner and outer layers of a cavity wall. A cavity wall consists of two separate layers of masonry with a gap, known as the cavity, between them. This gap is typically filled with insulation material to reduce heat loss. You can also pop over to this site if you want to know more about the importance of cavities closer in energy-efficient homes.

The Benefits of Cavity Closers

1. Improved insulation: Cavity closers are designed to fill the gap between the window or door frame and the wall, providing an extra layer of insulation. This helps to reduce heat loss, keeping the home warmer in winter and cooler in summer. 

2. Reduced energy consumption: By preventing heat transfer through the gaps between windows, doors, and walls, cavity closers can significantly reduce the need for heating and cooling. This leads to lower energy consumption and subsequently, lower energy bills.


Cavity closers play a crucial role in creating energy-efficient homes. By filling the gaps and preventing heat loss and air leakage, cavity closers contribute to improved thermal performance, energy efficiency, moisture protection, and noise reduction.