We will examine the pros and cons of genetically modified GMO foods with the ingress of DNA from other species organisms. There are many opinions from now-united graduate students, conservationists, and farmers, and producers like Monsanto and their close alliance with the government and Food and Drug Administration telling us that GMO foods are so safe that they don't have to be. We show GMO foods on the food packaging we buy and consume on a daily basis.

It is estimated that 60% to 70% of processed foods on US grocery shelves contain genetically modified ingredients. It also contains transgenic soy foods, which are included in some baby foods, and many foods made from cottonseed and canola oil are likely to contain genetically modified ingredients.

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America is the only country where GMO foods don't need to be labeled. The real question is why is America the only country in the world that does not need GMO food or is it better labeled, and why does chemical company Monsanto even need to genetically modify foods that are the ingredients of life and, most importantly, become safe for consumption?

Technical processes in genetic engineering of GMO food

Genetic engineering started with the idea of taking the cold flounder gene and inserting it into tomato plants so that they could withstand lower temperatures.

After the bacterial DNA recombines, this recombinant bacterial DNA can penetrate the cell wall. The other two options for inserting this recombinant DNA into plant genes are using electric shocks to penetrate the cell walls with tiny holes, and then there is a gene weapon that blows the recombinant DNA into the cells of tiny gold particles.