Employee history

Every employee goes through a natural schedule with the employer. Schedules show typical work phases in an organization. Whenever an employee leaves one company and is hired by another, those employee terms are restarted by the automated electronic onboarding process

To fully understand the value of behavioral participation, three phases of the employee schedule are discussed: selection, inclusion, and development.

Selection process

Before being hired, all candidates go through a selection process of onboarding. Companies have different types of philosophies when it comes to the hiring process. Many companies go to great lengths to find sources, rate, interview, and ultimately choose the most suitable job. 

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Inclusion process

Once a candidate is selected for a position, the inclusion process begins. In general, the inclusion process consists of everything related to the early days of work in an organization. Items typically included are payment documentation, government forms, company-issued passwords, employee manual reviews, training systems, and more. 

Development process

The employee development process usually comes later in the work plan. Many employers help workers systematically by implementing programs to increase their job-related responsibilities. 

The more knowledge, skills, and abilities an employee develops, the better the performance is expected. Training sessions deepen employees' thought processes and support reasons for certain decisions they make.